[left]Geographic information system, or GIS, is a powerful technology that has been called "geography on steroids." This book contains what you need to know on mapping terminology and digital mapping, how to locate geographic features and analyze their patterns, and how to generate travel directions, customer locations lists, and much more with GIS.
* GIS takes a village - know all the hardware and software necessary to collect, analyze, and manipulate GIS data
* Just for map mavens - explore the difference between 2D and 3D maps, create a map, or manage multiple maps
* What the data mean - analyze patterns that appear in maps and interpret the results
* Think spatially - recognize how spatial factors relate to geographic data
* On the grid - define and locate geographic objects on the grid
* The earth is not flat - accurately portray geographic features with map projections
* Technological duct tape - discover the many uses of GIS for business, the military, city planning, emergency services, land management, and more
* Design a GIS - determine what your organization needs, do appropriate analyses, and plan your system
Open the book and find:
* How to get paper maps into your computer
* Different ways to measure distance
* How to organize your spatial data
* What raster and vector mean to a cartographer
* How to choose a GIS software vendor
* How GIS can help you determine appropriate land use
* Dozens of applications for GIS queries and analyses
* How to create animated GIS output
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
* GIS takes a village - know all the hardware and software necessary to collect, analyze, and manipulate GIS data
* Just for map mavens - explore the difference between 2D and 3D maps, create a map, or manage multiple maps
* What the data mean - analyze patterns that appear in maps and interpret the results
* Think spatially - recognize how spatial factors relate to geographic data
* On the grid - define and locate geographic objects on the grid
* The earth is not flat - accurately portray geographic features with map projections
* Technological duct tape - discover the many uses of GIS for business, the military, city planning, emergency services, land management, and more
* Design a GIS - determine what your organization needs, do appropriate analyses, and plan your system
Open the book and find:
* How to get paper maps into your computer
* Different ways to measure distance
* How to organize your spatial data
* What raster and vector mean to a cartographer
* How to choose a GIS software vendor
* How GIS can help you determine appropriate land use
* Dozens of applications for GIS queries and analyses
* How to create animated GIS output
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
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